book covers quantum marketing

A 5 Minute Overview Of

Quantum Marketing

Mastering the New Marketing Mindset for Tomorrow's Customers

About the Author

Raja Rajamannar is chief marketing and communications officer of Mastercard. He is also president of Mastercard's healthcare business. Forbes magazine listed him as one of the world's most influential CMOs, while AdWeek named him as one of the most tech-savvy CMOs. In 2019, Mastercard was ranked as the fastest-growing brand across all industries worldwide, and in 2020 Mastercard was ranked as a global Top 10 brand. Prior to Mastercard, Raja Rajamannar worked for the health insurance firm Anthem, Citibank, Humana, Diner's Club, Unilever, and Asian Paints. He is a graduate of Osmania University, and the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

The Main Idea

5G or "Quantum Marketing" is coming. Powered by artificial intelligence, augmented reality, 5G connectivity, the Internet of Things, wearables, and blockchains, Quantum Marketing is going to be more powerful than anything ever used before.

That's just as well because today's generation of marketing is in a crisis. Much of what used to work in the past is no longer effective, and companies are cutting their marketing budgets, while also reducing or eliminating entirely their full-time marketing employees.

The Quantum Marketing toolbox is going to be so powerful companies will ignore it at their peril. It will integrate astonishing levels of consumer insights into real-time interactions, to generate next-level immersive marketing. It's time for a reboot of the marketing function.

Marketing is entering its most exciting inflection point ever, the Fifth Paradigm of Marketing. New technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, 5G connectivity, the Internet of Things, smart speakers, wearables, and blockchains are poised to transform consumers' lives and potentially take marketing's impact to entirely new levels. At this time, the entire function and discipline of marketing can leapfrog toward astonishing levels of consumer insights, real-time interactions, and hyper-targeted, hyper-relevant consumer engagement. Never has the marketing toolbox been more powerful than now. And the ability of marketing to drive business results in the face of brutal competition is not only extraordinary, but vital for a business's future survival.
Raja Rajamannar

The New Marketing Mindset

1. What is 5G or Quantum Marketing? Marketing has been on a journey. It has already moved through four paradigms, and today stands at the start of its fifth paradigm. 5G Marketing will be more powerful and effective than anything before. Marketing will be a genuine force multiplier.

2. The Quantum Marketing Toolbox. Quantum Marketing is a big deal because it stands at the junction of many fields which are accelerating at exponential speed. The five technologies which are generating this reset in the marketing function are:

3. The future of Quantum Marketing. 5G Marketing will certainly be different, and better. It will be focused on human behaviors to a far greater degree than before, thanks to those emerging marketing technologies. Some of the major shifts of the fifth paradigm will be:

Key Takeaways

  1. 5G or Quantum Marketing is coming, and coming soon. There will be more changes in marketing in the next 5 years than has occurred in the previous 50 years. It's time for a reboot of marketing.
  2. The Quantum Marketing toolbox is going to be so powerful companies will ignore it at their peril.
Marketing is entering its most exciting inflection point ever, the Fifth Paradigm of Marketing. New technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, 5G connectivity, the Internet of Things, smart speakers, wearables, and blockchains are poised to transform consumers’ lives and potentially take marketing’s impact to entirely new levels.
Raja Rajamannar

Summaries.Com Editor's Comments

This is an interesting book put together by Raja Rajamannar, the chief marketing officer of Mastercard. He points out that marketing has evolved from being product-centric (1G), to emotional marketing (2G), to data-driven marketing (3G), and most recently digital and social-media driven (4G). Rajamannar then points out we are on the cusp of 5G marketing, which will incorporate amazing levels of artificial intelligence or AI, augmented reality, the Internet of Things, wearables, and more. He says if you think previous generations of marketing were powerful, you "ain't see nothing yet". 5G or Quantum Marketing, powered by massive amounts of data, is going to be impressive, and next-level more effective.

The key thrust of his book is if you're in marketing, your powers are just about to be turbocharged, and you need to be up to speed with all the new toys. If you're not in marketing, you'd better be aware of what's changing, because it's going to impact on every other element of your business. And if you're merely trying to stay on top of what's happening in the business world, there's going to be more changes in marketing in the next five years than has happened in the previous fifty years combined.

Very interesting ideas. Should be fun. Bring it on. I've always wanted to have tech that whispers to people while they sleep, "Read business book summaries from Summaries.Com," and they just wake up with an urge to buy. Maybe that will happen with 5G marketing. We'll see.

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